Saturday, September 29, 2012

How to Make TST or Teh Susu Telur (Milk Tea Eggs), Unique Health Drink from Medan

Tea, milk, and eggs are kinds of drink or beverage comes from Medan North Sumatra. This beverage is very famous in Medan. Actually, the recipe is simple. Because you just need Eggs, milk, and tea to make it. This beverage becomes favorite for adult people while they hang out in Saturday night, usually they drop in small drink stall for buying this drink. If we talk about the nutrition of this beverage contains many helpful vitamins,  and make our body to be strong and get more spirit. It could be one of the beverage that could make our stamina back soon, if You got tired.
 TST or Teh Susu Telur (Milk Tea Eggs)

Tea, milk, and eggs are kinds of drink or beverage comes from Medan North Sumatra. This beverage is very famous in Medan. Actually, the recipe is simple.

Making Pecel Clover, Pecel Semanggi (semanggi; java dish of vegetables steamed with spices)

Pecel Semanggi or Clover is Surabaya’s traditional food that uses peanut or pecel seasoning as its sauce. It is called pecel semanggi, because of the primary material uses semanggi leaves. Absolutely, it was so interesting food from east java.
Pecel Semanggi or Clover

Pecel Semanggi or Clover is Surabaya’s traditional food that uses peanut or pecel seasoning as its sauce. It is called pecel semanggi, because of the primary material uses semanggi leaves. Absolutely, it was so interesting food from east java. This food looks so traditional when you made it with banana leaves as the plate (you may look at the picture).

Friday, September 28, 2012

How to make fried Bakwan (junk food), Indonesian traditional food from Javanese

Bakwan is also our traditional food. The fried bakwan comes from java island, this is Javanese traditional food that really famous one. You could meet this food, when you were in small food stall in our country. Actually bakwan has many kinds, there were bakwan from vegetable, sweet corn, and only bakwan sprouts.
The fried bakwan

Bakwan is also our traditional food. The fried bakwan comes from java island, this is Javanese traditional food that really famous one. You could meet this food, when you were in small food stall in our country. Actually bakwan has many kinds, there were bakwan from vegetable, sweet corn, and only bakwan sprouts. 

Friday, September 21, 2012

How to make soup of cassava (Cara Membuat Kolak Singkong) easily with smooth taste

Kolak Singkong is also our traditional food. To make kolak singkong or cassava’s soup is easy way to do. Many people would like to have this soup when in the cool weather. In another way we could have this soup through adding the ices in this soup to get fresh taste in hot weather. So weather we consume it in with hot and cool soup,
Cassava' Soup with ice (Kolak Singkong)

Kolak Singkong is also our traditional food especially from Java and Sumatra island. To make kolak singkong or cassava’s soup is easy way to do.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Fermented Sticky (Tape Ketan) is our traditional food, How to Make Fermented Sticky in Simple Step

Fermented Sticky (Tape Ketan) is our traditional food, How to Make Fermented Sticky in Simple Step Fermented sticky is tape that made by Fermentation.
Fermented Sticky (Tape Ketan)

Fermented Sticky (Tape Ketan) is our traditional food, How to Make Fermented Sticky in Simple Step
Fermented sticky is tape that made by Fermentation.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Unique Recipe Rujak Noodles (Rujak Soun) From Palembang, how to make Rujak

Rujak Noodles is a soup combine with vinegar. Rujak noodles comes from Palembang Indonesia, but this food has already consumed by the most society especially in Sumatra and Java Island.
Rujak Noodles (Rujak Soun)

Rujak Noodles is a soup combine with vinegar. Rujak noodles comes from Palembang Indonesia, but this food has already consumed by the most society especially in Sumatra and Java Island.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

How to make Emping Melinjo (Cracker chips) Completely, and How to Fry it

Emping is one of our traditional foods that have spread into many places and provinces. Emping come from Javanese. This food made from seeds of Gnetum gnemon (species of Gnetum) that lives in southeast asia and western pacific ocean. We could find this plan in Asia such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, and others.
Emping Melinjo (Cracker chips)
Emping is one of our traditional foods that have spread into many places and provinces. Emping come from Javanese. This food made from seeds of Gnetum gnemon (species of Gnetum) that lives in southeast asia

Monday, September 10, 2012

Sekoeteng Warm Healthy Beverage for Catch Cold, and How to make it (Indonesian Traditional Beverage)

Indonesian Healthy Beverage from Java Island is very delicious taste. It comes from Java Island especially Jakarta, Western Java and Central Java.
Sekoeteng Healthy Beverage
Sekoeteng Healthy Beverage- Indonesian Healthy Beverage from Java Island is very delicious taste. It comes from Java Island especially Jakarta, Western Java and Central Java. The Sekoeteng has been made by Ginger as the main ingredients. It is like wedang jahe, but in the sekoeteng there were many additional foods that should be added.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Traditional food from Palembang (Sumatra Indonesia), and How to make Pindang Catfish (Ikan Patin)

Pindang catfish is very famous in Sumatra Island. It was different from Fish Pindang like in Java Island which has been made by tuna steam.
Pindang Catfish (Ikan Patin) from Padang Indonesia
Pindang catfish is very famous in Sumatra Island. It was different from Fish Pindang like in Java Island which has been made by tuna steam.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Spicy Soy Sauce Shrimp Paste Traditional Food from East Java and How to make it (Sambal Kecap Petis)

A shrimp paste is Indonesian traditional food which made by fermented shrimp.  The shrimp comes from east java, usually the society use this shrimp paste to be additional food for making Lontong Balap, Rujak Tahu, and many others.
Spicy Soy Sauce Shrimp Paste

A shrimp paste is Indonesian traditional food which made by fermented shrimp.  The shrimp comes from east java, usually the society use this shrimp paste to be additional food for making Lontong Balap, Rujak Tahu, and many others.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

How to make Tempoyak (Durian Sauce), Traditional Recipes Sumatran Malay

Tempoyak is durian fruit that has been fermented with a salt. This is malay origin food, because most of the ancestor Indonesian is a malay, so they still keep this traditional food
Tempoyak Sauce
Tempoyak is durian fruit that has been fermented with a salt. This is malay origin food, because most of the ancestor Indonesian is a malay, so they still keep this traditional food. You could find out this food in Sumatran Island.

How to make fermented cassava (peuyeum), Traditional food from Bandung Peuyeum

Peyeum is traditional food which becomes the most favorite tourist for gift when they have been visited bandung. This food is different from other fermented cassava (wet tape).
Peuyeum Bandung Unique Indonesian Food
Peyeum is traditional food which becomes the most favorite tourist for gift when they have been visited bandung. This food is different from other fermented cassava (wet tape). The peuyeum has dried up but it is very smooth and sweet. Bandung (west java) has many kind of peuyeum which is provided for us.